
Updated Date Undefined

Potions can be bought and bewed. How effective they are is related to the size and potency of a potion. It's potency determines rarity, while its size determines the uses before it runs out. Consuming a potion returns the bottle it was in.

A potions potency determines what and how many dice you roll, and its rarity. Most health potions are 1d6 per dose, but this varries based on recipie and dilution. You can dilute potions with 1/4 its weight in water to lower it a tier, but multiply its doses by 1.25 (rounding up). For standard potency, see the types section.

Most potions are sold in bottles with 3 or sometimes 4 doses in them. If they were made with the same recipie, partially used potions can be combined into the same bottle without negative effects. If diffrent recipies were used, either run the potion calculations again or roll 1d4, on 4 the potion is safe, otherwise it is spoiled.

In general, potions that require a roll can be drank as normal for 1 action, or with advantage for 2 actions. If drank outside of combat, always roll advantage or assume a perfect roll.


*Charts will use the currency in my world, Eytelia. The currency is called Stiya and 1 stiya is roughly equivelent to 10 canadian cents, or 3 copper coins[Citation Needed].

Potions come in many types, and you can add anything you want for your game! However, these are the default and most common types!


Healing potions restore health instantly, depending on your class.

Tier Healing Average Cost
Grand 1d20 9000
Greater 1d12 3000
Standard 1d6 800
Lesser 1d4 400


Regeneration potions restore health over time. They do more healing per money, and are more consistant. One turn is 6 secconds, making 10 turns in a minute. If out of combat, you can calculate this in bulk if you would like.

Tier Healing Average Cost
Grand 2d4 for 2d12 turns 9000
Greater (1d4)-1 for 1d20 turns 3000
Standard (1d4)-2 for 1d12 turns 800
Lesser (1d4)-3 for 1d8 turns 400


Mana potions restore mana or spell slots instantly.

Tier Healing Average Cost
Grand 10 mana OR a tier 4 slot 9000
Greater 6 mana OR a tier 3 slot 3000
Standard 3 mana OR a tier 2 slot 800
Lesser 1 mana OR tier 1 slot 400

Maybe some classes use spell slots and some use mana??


Potions can be obtained in a variety of ways, but the most common are below.

Brewing Potions

There are a few ways to brew potions, depending on the level of depth you want. Each level adds more depth and uses for every ingredient, more combinations, etc, but is often much more complecated than the previous potion.

Simple Brewing Algorithum

Every potion has a set of pre-determined immuteable recipies. They can be found on that potions page.

Medium Brewing Algorithum (Reccommended)

This one uses 8 elements, of which the only thing that matters is thier ratios. This allows for many combinations for the same potion.

Complex Brewing Algorithum

Brewing potions is determined by the ingedients used (including its base), time brewed, and a bit more. Potions have the following stats, which are used to determine map coordinates. The potion brewing system is directly based on that found in Potion Craft, but highly simplified and designed to work in a TTRPG setting. I don't feel like working on it, so for now take this apprxamte map.

A map guide for making potions. Top left: Explosions, Wrath, Top Middle: Air, Flight, Top Right: Magic, Energy, Middle left: Fire, Warmth, Middle Right, Water, Cold, Bottom Left: Poison, Death, Bottom Middle: Earth, Endurance, Bottom Right: Life, Growth Image Credit: Potion Craft steam news post

The potion formula is a bit complicated, but as follows

Written with this isual MathML writer. For future me, the pdocution code is P =\frac{[x, y] + (for:ing)(ing \times n)}{ing}

Diluting and Tier Calculations

If you dilute a potions volume by half its tier is one less. Potions MUST be diluted with the potions base.

Potions tiers are generally lesser, normal, greater, super. Each tier requires doubble the potency.


(1): Overheal any health beyond your max.