Known Chrome Bugs

2 minute read

This is a list of bugs on our website that we know about. We will not fix any chrome specific bugs, ever. Here is why:

Google Chrome is destroying the open web. There is no better way to put it. They use thier near-monoply to determine the future of the internet, which often means locoking people specifically to thier services, and thier vision of the internet.

I don't think it takes an expert to say that thier vision of the internet is not what most people want, or what would be best for the internet.

It's a world where privacy is something only your grandparents remember, a world without adblock, or freedom to do what you will with webpages. A world where only big tech is discoverable or known about.

This is why, in an effort to drive people to better, open source, fully capable browsers, like Firefox we will never fix any chrome or chromium specific bugs on our website. And if that is the future you truly want, I don't know why you are reading the website of someone to highly advocates for openness, decentralisation, etc.

(The format is: Bug Name (known since DD/MMM/YYYY): details )