
1 minute read

We reccommend all front ends support markdown. The specific markdown you allow may vary, but your markdown parser should be able to handle all of the following.

# Inline

# Heading
## Levels
### One
#### Through 
##### Heading
##### Level 
###### six

\*escape sequences\*
[inline links](LINK)

> Blockquotes

`inline code blocks`
``inline code blocks``
(multi line code blocks, with language support)

Additionallyt, we reccommend it supports the following:

frontmater: keys

[id links][id]

[id]: URL
> [!type] callouts
> with cudstom titles and full markdown supported inside. 

horisontal rules

and the abbility to add custom stuff for

@user@instance.tld chips 
#channel@groupid@instance.tld chips

For messages, we reccommend you only allow inline, links, images, code, tags, and emojis, but other channel types will likely want more advanced markdown such as wiki channels